Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering


Metallurgical and Materials Engineering provides the environment-friendly production, research and development of engineering materials (metals, polymers, ceramics, composites, semiconductors, glass, cement, biomaterials, etc.) that humanity needs today and may need in the future; At the same time, it is an engineering branch that enables the production of superior materials as a result of a strategic study based on "Technological - Ecological - Economic" conditions.


The Department mission is to train metallurgical and material engineers at the international level who are well-equipped, able to take responsibility, have a systematic approach to problem solving, sensitive to the environment, respectful to social, national, moral and ethical values.


The Department vision is to provide education in line with technological developments, based on human and social values, continuous development understanding, universal qualities of science and have a respectable position both in the world of science and in the industrial field, producing knowledge and materials that will form the basis for shaping today and the future at national and international level.

In addition, information about all undergraduate and graduate programs in our university can be accessed from the Bologna Information System.





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